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ATC Board Approves TDP & FY2021 Budget

ATC Board Approves TDP & FY2021 Budget

June 3, 2020

The Alexandria Transit Company Board of Directors approved the proposed Transit Development Plan (TDP) as well as the budget for fiscal year 2021 at its May 27 meeting.

The approved TDP includes the addition of Sunday service on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day and the discontinuation of AT4 service from Braddock Rd. Metro to City Hall. You can view the full Transit Development Plan here.

The FY21 budget totals $23.1 million and includes a 5.8% increase from FY20. The increase accounts for adjustments in operational costs. Given lower ridership and fare-free operation for at least a portion of FY21, DASH forecasts a passenger revenue gap of $2.9 million. However, this gap will be filled by CARES Act transit relief funds received through WMATA.

Alexandria’s portion of CARES Act funding totals $6.1 million. As a result, DASH intends to avoid non-planned service cuts and reductions in workforce. The funding will also allow DASH to maintain the originally proposed FY21 budget, sustain reduced or no fares for a significant portion of FY21, and maintain enhanced cleaning and sanitizing procedures indefinitely.