Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan

Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan

The Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan (ATSP), formerly known as the Transit Development Plan (TDP) provides a comprehensive vision of future service development, fare adjustments, and capital investments for transit services within the City of Alexandria. The ATSP is based on guidelines and requirements outlined by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).

The ATSP is updated each year by DASH and City of Alexandria staff and is subject to annual public review, amendment, and adoption by the ATC Board of Directors. This public comment period typically takes place in March and the plan is approved by the ATC Board of Directors at the April or May board meeting.

FY 2025-FY 2034 Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan (ATSP)

The Alexandria Transit Company is pleased to announce that the FY 2025-FY 2034 Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan (ATSP) was adopted by the agency’s Board of Directors at its meeting on April 10, 2024. Key decisions from the final ATSP include:

  • Due to budget constraints, the unfunded improvements that had been proposed on Lines 32, 34 and 31 will not be implemented in FY 2025 and will be deferred to a future year.   
  • Based on community feedback, DASH staff will be evaluating opportunities to provide additional DASH service to Mount Vernon Avenue in Arlandria in the coming year. Any service changes resulting from this evaluation would be implemented in FY 2026.
  • Line 104 service was not reduced from every 30 minutes to every 60 minutes and remains unchanged. 

Previously Approved Plans

FY25 Alexandria Transit Strategic Plan

FY24 ATC Transit Development Plan

FY23 ATC Transit Development Plan

FY22 ATC Transit Development Plan