Passenger Code of Conduct

Passenger Code of Conduct


The following policies have been adopted for the Alexandria Transit Company, also known as DASH, in the interest of protecting the health, safety and welfare of Alexandria Transit Company passengers and operators while protecting equipment used in providing public transit services. The Alexandria Transit Company Code of Conduct shall apply to all passengers while onboard any DASH operated vehicle.


Violence: Physical force employed to violate, damage, abuse, injure or strike in any manner
Threat: An expression or action showing intent to inflict harm, giving signs or warnings of violence or the announcement of violence as a possibility.

Inappropriate Behavior: Any conduct that does not demonstrate respect for the safety and welfare of themselves and/or others or that interferes with the orderly provision of transportation services. The Bus Operators in collaboration with Supervisors will work to deescalate situations, but in extreme situations can refuse service including removal of a passenger.

Loitering: The act of lingering aimlessly or as if aimlessly in or about a place.

Emergency: An onboard fire, serious physical injury to person(s), or threat thereof, any apparently urgent medical need, or events that pose a risk or threat to the wellbeing of an individual.

Intoxicated: Having diminished physical and mental control by means of alcohol, a drug, or other substance.


  • Be a good neighbor and offer your seat to senior citizens or individuals with disabilities if the bus is full or if you are seated in the front of the bus.
  • All passengers, except infants being held, must wear a shirt, bottoms and shoes while on all buses.
  • If you observe any safety, security, or biohazard concerns on the bus, tell the operator immediately.
  • If there is a medical emergency, a threat or serious crime being committed and you cannot safely communicate this to the operator, call 911 immediately.
  • Be prepared to give the bus number, route, location, and direction of travel.

No person shall refuse to depart from DASH vehicles when ordered to do so by a Bus Operator or Supervisor.

  • Federal regulations prohibit the operation of any bus with passengers standing ahead of the yellow line
  • Interfering with the operation or movement of any DASH vehicle
  • Threatening the health, safety or wellbeing of the operator and/or other passengers
  • Fighting, pushing, crowding, shoving, or initiating physical contact with the driver and/or passengers
  • Damaging or defacing the vehicle or any DASH property
  • Soliciting the sale of goods or services
  • Loitering and/or panhandling onboard any bus
  • Remaining on the bus for more than one (1) round trip.
  • Placing advertisements on the inside or outside of the buses, or removing or defacing those placed on the buses by authorized representatives of DASH
  • Disposing of garbage, paper, refuse or any other materials except in receptacles provided for that purpose
  • Eating or drinking; only water is permitted
  • Loud or boisterous noises, including disruptive sounds while using electronic devices. All audio devices including tablets and cell phones may not be used on speaker mode.
  • Use of obscene, offensive or sexual language, including sexually implicit references or gestures
  • Tampering with or operating equipment intended for the bus operator’s exclusive use
  • Consuming any alcoholic beverage or possessing an open container of any alcoholic beverage
  • Disorderly and disruptive intoxication
  • Using any form of tobacco, including vaping, e-cigarettes, etc.
  • Riding any bus while using, being under the influence of, or in possession of, any illegal substance or activity
  • Possession of any illegal weapon or hazardous material.
  • Possession or use of any dangerous flammable substances or use of any devices actively producing a flame except oxygen tanks necessary for medical reasons.
  • Occupying more than one seat when seating is limited
  • Any passenger with excessive odors or fragrances which cause harm to other passengers or interfere with the bus operator’s safe operation of the vehicle may be asked to relocate their seat or to exit the bus.
  • Conversing with the bus operator is a distraction. Do not talk to the operator while the bus is in operation, except for information facilitating a trip
  • When boarding, do not rush the doors; form an orderly line and allow riders exiting the vehicle to vacate before boarding.
  • Passengers are prohibited from throwing objects from the bus or extending anything, including body limbs, out of the windows
  • Keep aisles free of all items
Undesignated Drop-Off Requests
  • DASH operators are not permitted to drop-off passengers at undesignated locations. The operator will stop at the next designated bus stop to allow passengers to exit the bus.
Strollers and Carts

Strollers are permitted on DASH buses without being folded and stored if space is available in the ADA seating area. Passengers must park strollers in the ADA seating area without obstructing access to any emergency egress point. Wheels must be properly locked and passengers must always maintain control of strollers. Children in strollers must be securely fastened at all times. If the ADA seating area is occupied, strollers must be folded and stored without obstructing access to any emergency egress point.

Mobility Devices/Scooters
  • All mobility devices that require the wheelchair area should be properly secured.
  • Scooters are allowed on DASH buses based on space availability.
  • Scooters cannot be charged on the bus.
  • Foldable scooters must be folded on the bus, so it does not interfere with other passengers.
  • It must be switched off while on the bus.
  • All scooters must be kept clear from the aisles.
Wheelchairs/Mobility Scooters

The above policy does not apply to mobility scooters and wheelchairs used by our customers with  disabilities.

  • DASH is committed to providing reliable and accessible service to our senior citizens and people with disabilities boarding our buses with mobility scooters.
  • Due to space, we can only accommodate up to two mobility scooters at a time.
  • One general requirement is that the mobility scooter fits the ramp and be able to maneuver to the wheelchair securement area.
  • Walkers that can be folded may be stowed safely and secured against moving into the aisle and exits.
Carry-On Items
  • All items brought onboard, including skateboards, shopping bags, or backpacks must be safely stowed and secured against moving into the aisles or exits.
  • Items may be stored underneath the seats or held on the passenger’s lap.
  • Customers are responsible for their baggage and must ensure that they are confined to their laps/seats and free from the aisles.
  • All DASH buses are equipped with bike racks; available on a first come, first served basis.
  • Passengers are responsible for correctly loading, securing and unloading their bicycles.
  • Bikes are not allowed on the buses.
  • DASH is not responsible for theft or loss of bikes, damages incurred to the bike while on any DASH bus or at bus stops. DASH is not responsible for damages to the bike nor injuries to the rider during loading or unloading of a bike. Passengers are responsible for any damages and/or injuries to third parties caused by the rider or bike while the bike is being loaded or unloaded.
  • Please review the “Bike and Ride” page on the DASH website for steps to safely load and unload your bicycle.
  • With the exception of service animals wearing proper identification harnesses, pets are not permitted onboard DASH and King Street Trolley buses.
  • Any animal that is aggressive towards other passengers or attacks a passenger or bus operator will be banned from using DASH services. 
  • If a service animal soils the vehicle, please notify the bus operator.  Any bodily fluid on the bus is a biohazard and should be reported immediately for a bus replacement.

Policy Enforcement

  • To further the health, safety and welfare of operators and passengers, DASH has equipped all its vehicles with video and audio equipment that are in operation at all times the buses are on the road. 
Consequences of Misconduct
  • Passengers must always comply with DASH operators.  DASH officials are authorized to enforce these policies and may refuse service to anyone who engages in prohibited behavior. Additionally, the privilege to ride DASH buses may be suspended.
Upon witnessing a violation, DASH bus operators may:
  • Inform the offending passenger that further like conduct will be grounds for removal from the bus and/or future denial of services.
  • Stop the vehicle until the offending conduct stops, the offending passenger has been removed from the bus, or law enforcement can assist in removing the offending passenger. 
  • Refuse to admit the passenger onto the bus if the offending conduct occurs before the passenger boards (i.e., at the bus stop or the passenger is subject to a current suspension).
  • Report the passenger’s conduct to the police.
  • Bus operators are required to report any violation of this Policy to their supervisor.

All DASH buses are equipped with cameras which continually record activity in and around the bus during operating hours. Recordings can therefore be reviewed by appropriate personnel and/or law enforcement to accurately determine details of all activities in question. (See “Surveillance” above.)

DASH reserves the right to modify and amend this Code of Conduct at any time. Please contact DASH at 703.746.DASH (3274) for additional information.