Zero-Emissions Fleet

Zero-Emissions Fleet

Blue and yellow make green, and DASH is bringing green transit to Alexandria!

As part of DASH’s commitment to supporting the City of Alexandria’s Eco-City initiative, DASH will operate a 100% zero-emissions fleet. On October 19, DASH made the first milestone in achieving this goal as well as the core values laid out in the City’s Environmental Action Plan with the public unveiling of the agency’s first battery-electric buses.

Benefits of Electric Buses

Electric buses can help us all breathe easier, for our community’s health, wellbeing and the environment.

Electric buses do not rely on fossil-fuels, so they produce no harmful tailpipe emissions that pollute our environment.

In addition to making transit in Alexandria cleaner, greener and more sustainable, electric bus engines also reduce maintenance costs because the engines have fewer moving parts and are more efficient than conventional or hybrid diesel engines.

Another benefit for passengers – less moving parts means that electric buses offer much quieter and smoother rides.


The Alexandria Transit Company (DASH) received approximately $5.1 million for six battery-electric transit buses and fast chargers. The funding has been allocated from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust (VW Trust), as well as statewide transit capital funding. The Commonwealth received the VW Trust as part of its emissions violation settlement with Volkswagen.

Prior to acquiring the buses, DASH and the City of Alexandria partnered with The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) to perform a zero-emission bus fleet feasibility and planning study. CTE provided a feasibility recommendation for deploying zero-emission bus technology into DASH service. This partnership builds on prior action taken by DASH to gain a better understanding of various types of low- to zero-emission bus technology. 

The study evaluated economic cost, risks, and performance expectations of the DASH fleet to provide insight on responsibly and sustainably transitioning to an all zero-emission fleet. Another important outcome of this study will be to identify components for a future zero-emission fleet implementation plan. This plan will develop a strategic DASH zero-emission transition timeline.

“This funding allows us to promote cutting carbon pollution across the country, invest in environmentally sustainable transportation in Alexandria and reduce DASH operational costs,” said DASH General Manager & CEO Josh Baker.

In addition to the first six 100% electric buses, DASH has secured funding for 20 additional electric buses by 2025 through NVTA and DRPT grant programs.  DASH is planning to expand and upgrade its facility in the coming years to accommodate this new fleet of electric buses.

To learn more about our new zero-emissions buses, below are studies conducted by DASH and the City of Alexandria.

Zero-Emissions Bus Feasibility Study
City of Alexandria Environmental Action Plan