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Picture this – your brand rolling through the streets where your customers live, work and play! Make a BIG, BOLD statement that can’t be missed, advertise on DASH!
Let’s face it, the consumer is on the move, so your billboard better move with them. Streetlevel Media’s colorful, creative transit ads literally “tap” the consumer on the shoulder while they are tied up in traffic on their daily commute.
Fleet Size: 104 Buses
System Highlights: King Street Trolley
Yearly Ridership: Serving more than 5.3m (FY 2024)
With multiple ad size options available and varying campaign lengths the Streetlevel Media Team can tailor a package that’s just right for you. Regardless of your budget, we will develop an effective plan to meet your marketing goals. If you’re looking to make a significant impact with your advertising efforts, contact Streetlevel Media today!
(910) 323-9306
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