DASH Board of Directors Seeking New Members

DASH Board of Directors Seeking New Members

December 7, 2023


The Alexandria Transit Company (ATC) is excited to announce that we are seeking applicants to join the Alexandria
Transit Company Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the general oversight of the operation of the
transit system as a business enterprise that supports specific community objectives; provides safe, reliable,
convenient, comfortable, and courteous service; and is efficient in the use of its resources, whatever their source.
Operations and Management are the sole responsibility of a General Manager, under the policy direction and general
oversight of the Board.


Individuals interested in serving on the Board must complete an ATC Board application online at



Interested applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible by completing an online ATC Board application.
Applications will be accepted until close of business on Friday, December 29, 2023. Applications received after this
deadline may not be accepted.


Candidates need not have any prior public transportation expertise or management experience, in addition
candidates are encouraged to apply if they are considering becoming involved in the community in any way. The
Board does take into consideration the applicant’s work background, years of residency in the City of Alexandria,
any past and present involvement in community service, civic groups, and other boards and commissions, the extent
to which they use or have used transit services, their interest in transit and transportation issues, related skills that
they may bring to the Board, and the area of the City that they reside with respect to the present Board members. The
Board seeks a diverse representation of members of the community especially for disadvantaged populations,
minorities and women within the community.


The ATC Board of Directors consists of at least nine and not more than eleven members elected annually by the
Stockholders. Board appointments are for a period of one year and there are currently no term limits. Members of the
Board of Directors serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for any meetings
attended outside of the City of Alexandria.





The Board of Directors meets regularly on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Meeting duration is
usually around two hours with evening meetings, such as a budget work session, a work session with City Council,
or a public hearing on routes, schedules, or fares which may run longer. These longer meetings take place
approximately three to four times a year. Board members occasionally serve on city committees and task forces
related to transportation.


The Alexandria Transit Company does not discriminate based on Race, Color, Sex or Gender, Religion, Ancestry,
National Origin, Marital Status, Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Transgender Status or Veteran
Status in the selection of Board members, in employment, or in the provision of transit services. The Virginia
Freedom of Information Act applies, as well as the usual and customary rules regarding conflicts of interest to all
matters undertaken by the Board.


For questions related to the ATC Board of Directors or for assistance with applying, please contact the ATC Board
Secretary Beth Reveles: Email: beth.reveles@alexandriava.gov.