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DASH to Pilot Automated Mobility Device Securement System, Hosts Demonstration Tour

DASH to Pilot Automated Mobility Device Securement System, Hosts Demonstration Tour

July 23, 2024


The Alexandria Transit Company, which operates DASH Bus and King Street Trolley service for the City of Alexandria, is launching a pilot program for an innovative fully automatic mobility device securement system. Q’Straint’s Quantum system will be installed on a small number of DASH buses to demonstrate the benefits of the new system and collect feedback from community. The pilot is made possible by a Demonstration Grant awarded by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).


“This is the first system of its kind ever trialed in revenue service in Alexandria and we are hopeful that the Quantum system will further enrich and strengthen transit equity and accessibility in our community,” said Josh Baker, DASH’s CEO & General Manager.


DASH will host four public demonstrations of the system – two on Thursday, July 25th and two more on Friday, July 26th at various locations throughout Alexandria. The demonstrations will coincide with National Disability Independence Day on July 26, commemorating 34th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This landmark legal case paved the way for transit and mobility equity for persons of differing abilities.


The system offers passengers with wheelchairs and scooters a completely automatic way to secure their mobility device on the bus in as little as 25 seconds. Quantum also enables passengers who rely on these vital mobility devices to enjoy their trip in a rear-facing position, which is preferable for many riders impacted by mobility issues or disability. The system also offers benefits to transit agencies in reduced maintenance costs and improved safety for operators by reducing the need for operators to leave the driver’s area of the bus.


DASH will collect feedback on the new system via online survey, by phone, or by email. The survey can be found here: To provide feedback by phone, customers may call 703-746-DASH (3274) from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday and speak to DASH’s customer service team. Feedback can also be emailed to


The Demonstration Events are open to all members of the public and may be found at:

  • Landmark Transit Center on Thursday, July 25 at 8 a.m.
  • Braddock Road Metro Station on Thursday, July 25 at 1 p.m.
  • King Street Metro Station on Friday, July 26 at 8 a.m.
  • Del Pepper Community Resource Center on Friday, July 26 at 2 p.m.