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Effective Sunday, May 24, DASH Implements Enhanced Saturday Operating Plan

Effective Sunday, May 24, DASH Implements Enhanced Saturday Operating Plan

May 26, 2020

DASH is preparing to adjust the current level of service to an enhanced Saturday schedule beginning Sunday, May 24. This proactive service increase will provide additional service on key routes so that passengers are able to maintain adequate physical distancing on buses as Governor Northam’s stay-at-home orders are lifted at midnight on Thursday, May 28.

Most routes follow their regular DASH Saturday timetables; however, the following additional trips and services will also be provided. Enhanced Saturday schedules can be found at

  • AT-1 Plus – Additional trips added in the early morning and between existing trips to provide service every 15 minutes during morning and afternoon peak periods,
  • AT-2 – Additional trips in the early morning and between existing trips to provide 30-minute service throughout the day.
  • AT-2X – No service until further notice.
  • AT-3 – Route will operate every 60 minutes during peak periods from Braddock Road Metro to the Pentagon Metro
  • AT-3 passengers in Old Town can use alternate routes such as the AT3/4, AT-7 or Metrobus 10A/10B.
  • AT-4 – Route will operate every 60 minutes during peak periods from Braddock Road Metro to the Pentagon Metro. AT-4 passengers in Old Town can use alternate routes such as the AT-2, AT-3/4, AT-5, AT-8 or Metrobus 10A/10B.
  • AT-3/4 – Route will operate on its regular Saturday schedule.
  • AT-5 – Route will operate between Braddock Road Metro and Van Dorn Metro every 30 minutes on weekdays and Saturdays, with trips added in the early morning on weekdays. It will run along the same route every 60 minutes on Sundays. Passengers traveling to Eisenhower Ave points can use AT-7 from King Street Metro or Van Dorn Metro.
  • AT-6 – No service.  Passengers may use the AT-5 or the AT-9 as alternate routes.
  • AT-7 – Route will operate between Van Dorn Metrorail Station and Lee Center every 30 minutes throughout the day on weekdays. On weekends, the AT-7 will operate between Van Dorn Metro and King Street Metro every 30 minutes on Saturdays, and every 60 minutes on Sundays. AT-7 trips are timed to meet AT-5 trips at Van Dorn Metro for convenient transfers.
  • AT-8 – Additional trips added in the early morning and during peak periods to provide 15-minute headways between Landmark Mall and King Street Metro.
  • AT-9 – Route will operate on its regular Saturday schedule.
  • AT-10 – Route will operate on its regular Saturday schedule.
  • King Street Trolley – Trolley service will continue to be suspended until further notice. Please use other temporarily free DASH routes such as the AT-2, AT-7 or AT-8 for travel on King Street in Old Town.

This service plan is subject to change without advance notice based on staffing levels and recommendations from public health officials. Please subscribe for DASH e-mail alerts ( or follow us on social media (@DASHBus) for service change updates.

DASH will continue to operate its largest possible buses, run fare-free, block some seats, and utilize reardoor boarding to reduce passenger touchpoints, prevent potential crowding at fareboxes and promote social distancing between passengers and bus operators.

Note: Real-time bus arrival information is available for all routes.