Quarterly Training Information

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Quarterly Training Information


It’s that time for our quarterly staff meeting. The in-person meetings will take place next week, on Monday, October 31 and Tuesday, November 1. Over these two dates, employees will have three opportunities to join one of the mandatory meetings.

Dates and times are listed below, along with details on how to join virtually or over the phone if you are unable to attend any of the meetings in-person. A recording will be available on Paychex after the final in-person meeting. If you are unable to attend in person or via Zoom, the meeting must be viewed on Paychex by Wednesday, November 30.


**Employees are only required to attend one (1) of the in-person meetings. If you attend a meeting in person or virtually, you are not required to view the meeting on Paychex.


**Employees must remain present for the entire meeting. Attendance will be taken at the conclusion of each meeting. If an employee leaves the in-person meeting or disconnects from Zoom early, they will be required to view the meeting on Paychex.


October 31, 2022 10:00 AM 
Join online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83328704680?pwd=bW5BZDFKZUVCaVJ5anFiejFpbHB0dz09
Meeting ID: 833 2870 4680
Passcode: yQax3K
Join by phone: +1 301 715 8592
Passcode: 165566


October 31, 2022 2:00 PM
Join online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81245765481?pwd=TndvTzhFQ09HL0ZTVUFEV0lzTUE4UT09
Meeting ID: 812 4576 5481
Passcode: w0fRss
Join by phone: +1 301 715 8592
Passcode: 396304


November 1, 2022 2:00 PM 
Join online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87967348454?pwd=NFhRWGFjNU9FbXRJOUgreklKdlJyZz09
Meeting ID: 879 6734 8454
Passcode: eFchE1
Join by phone: +1 309 205 3325 US
Passcode: 732939