DASH will increase service along some of its routes beginning Sunday, June 6. The agency previously restored approximately 80% of pre-Coronavirus service levels in September 2020. With the service improvements listed below, DASH will run approximately 85% of its regular pre-COVID service levels.
- AT-2X will resume its normal weekday schedule. Combined with AT2, it will provide service between King Street Metro and Mark Center Station approximately every 10 minutes during AM & PM peaks.
- AT-3 & AT-4 will provide service from Braddock Road to Pentagon and will increase from hourly to every 30 minutes during AM & PM peaks.
- King Street Trolley remains suspended until further notice.
- The King Street Metrorail Station bus loop will open to DASH and Metrobus passengers on June 6, 2021. Visit alexandriava.gov/tes/info/default.aspx?id=85338 for more information about the King St-Old Town Metro Access Improvement Project.
Updated schedules are available at https://www.dashbus.com/schedules.
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