On Wednesday, June 12 the Alexandria Transit Company Board of Directors passed a motion to support policy-level decisions for the final draft of the Alexandria Transit Vision Plan (ATV).
Items included in the motion:
- The final draft of ATV Network should be designed with approximately 85 percent of the service hours dedicated to ridership-oriented goals and approximately 15 percent service hours allocated to coverage-type services.
- The long-term ATV plan network should target a 20 percent increase over current service hours by Fiscal Year 2030.
- The short-term ATV implementation plan should target an 8 percent increase over current service levels with at least three scenarios for target percentages between 0 and 8 percent over the next two fiscal years.
The ATC Board expressed support for the positive impact that the ATV Plan would have on low income residents and residents of color, as well as the significant improvements to the existing bus service levels. The Board also emphasized the importance of providing mobility options to seniors and individuals with limited mobility, as well as maintaining productive peak bus services as much as possible in the Final Draft ATV Network. The Final Draft Network will be developed over the summer and presented to the public for additional feedback in September 2019.
The Alexandria Transit Vision Plan is a partnership between the City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Transit Company (DASH). Both the City and DASH recognize the need to address declining transit ridership, changing land use patterns, shifting regional travel, and recent technological advances.
For more information on the Alexandria Transit Vision Plan, please visit www.dashbus.com/transitvision/ or email the project team at transitvision@alexandriava.gov.