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DASH to Receive Funding for Zero-Emission Buses

DASH to Receive Funding for Zero-Emission Buses

June 25, 2019

The Alexandria Transit Company (DASH) will receive approximately $5.1 million for six battery-electric transit buses and fast chargers. The funding has been allocated from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust (VW Trust), as well as statewide transit capital funding. The Commonwealth received the VW Trust as part of its emissions violation settlement with Volkswagen.

Last week, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) approved Fiscal Year 2020–2025 funding for the Six-Year Improvement Program which allocates funds for the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). DRPT along with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Virginia Department of General Services (DGS) are working together to allocate the VW Trust and other state funding to DASH. 

“This funding allows us to promote cutting carbon pollution across the country, invest in environmentally sustainable transportation in Alexandria and reduce DASH operational costs,” said DASH General Manager & CEO Josh Baker.

DASH and City of Alexandria staff have initiated the procurement process to advance the purchase of all six buses. DASH is now set to begin securing the necessary production to determine the delivery timeframe, which is expected to take approximately 12-18 months. Additional infrastructure improvements and utility upgrades at the DASH Facility will also be implemented by 2020 to support the operation of the new electric buses.

“It is our goal to be the first system in the Commonwealth to put these buses on the road in revenue service,” said Baker.

In addition to DASH, Blacksburg Transit and Hampton Roads Transit will receive funding to purchase battery-electric buses. In total, more than $12 million will be allocated to deploy the buses in Virginia, nearly $9 million of the total will come from the VW Trust. Blacksburg Transit will receive $3.3 million for five battery-electric transit buses and fast chargers, and Hampton Roads Transit will receive $3.9 million for six battery-electric transit buses and fast chargers.