On May 8, 2019, The Alexandria Transit Company (ATC) Board of Directors adopted a fare change based on the ATC Transit Development Plan (TDP) findings.
Beginning September 15, 2019, regular DASH fares will change from $1.75 to $2.00 in order to offset rising operating costs and to assist in ensuring the long-term financial health of DASH. This change will also align DASH with other Northern Virginia bus providers, including WMATA, Fairfax Connector and ART, to provide simpler transfers.
There will be no changes to the $45 DASH Pass or the discounted fare for Senior SmarTrip rides during off-peaks.
The ATC TDP provides a comprehensive vision of future service development, fare adjustments, and capital investments based on recommendations from the General Manager, ATC Board of Directors and DASH staff. For more information and to view the 2020-2025 ATC TDP click HERE.
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