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Effective Monday, April 18: DASH to Allow All-Door Boarding and Expanded Stroller Use

Effective Monday, April 18: DASH to Allow All-Door Boarding and Expanded Stroller Use

April 15, 2022

Beginning Monday, April 18, DASH will implement two new policies that will make transit even more accessible and convenient, especially for families with young children. The policies will improve how riders board DASH buses and how strollers may be used. 

PolicyNew Policy (Effective Monday, April 18)Former Policy
When it is safe to do so, riders may board using
the front or rear doors. Passengers with limited
mobility are encouraged to continue using the
front of the bus which can be lowered for easier boarding.

Riders must board through the front doors.
If ADA accessible seating is not in use, strollers are
permitted in this space without being folded or stowed
as long as the wheels are locked, the child is properly
secured in the stroller seat, the parent or guardian
maintains control of the stroller, and the aisle is not blocked.

All strollers must be folded and stored upon boarding.

Allowing riders with strollers to board without folding and storing strollers will remove a barrier to convenient transit use for parents or guardians with young children in Alexandria. The decision to expand stroller usage was largely based on input from DASH riders and Alexandria community groups.

“It’s important that DASH service continues evolving to meet the needs of our community,” said DASH Planning and Marketing Director Martin Barna. “Allowing strollers to be used during trips and opening all doors for boarding will improve our riders’ overall experience and encourage more people to consider using DASH.”

During the first twelve months of the COVID-19 pandemic, DASH temporarily allowed passengers to board using either the front or rear doors to protect the safety of drivers and passengers. The elimination of bus fares in September 2021 and the continued installation of onboard automated passenger counters (APCs) have now allowed DASH to return to all-door boarding on all buses. The benefits of all-door boarding include easier passenger boarding and reduced dwell time at bus stops, which provides faster, more reliable service. As with the front door, passengers boarding at the rear door are encouraged to allow others to step off the bus before attempting to board. Passengers with mobility devices, or who have difficulty boarding the bus are encouraged to continue using the front of the bus, which has a ramp and can be lowered.

The new DASH stroller policy can be found in the DASH code of conduct. To view the full DASH code of conduct, please visit